Our platform

We support doctors in drawing the diagnosis and therapy with our Artificial Intelligence engine.
On the basis of patients’ genetic data, GenomeUP allows doctors to get a detailed clinical report on genes affecting patients’ pathology and their personalized treatment.

1. Doctors upload FASTQ format file with patient’s genetic data. Clinical data and lab data can also be uploaded.
2. Our algorithms identify and annotate SNVs, indels, structural variants, de novo mutations, etc.
3. We give you a report containing the suggested diagnosis and therapies, moreover, it will be possible to question the report through queries.



The Whole Genomic Sequencing(WGS) data represents an opportunity, for doctors and patients, to draw personalized
clinical therapies.
GenomeUP, through the development of their genomic tool, exploits the features of Artificial Intelligence (AI) bringing forward precision medicine, supporting doctors in drawing the treatment best fitting their patients’ needs.
On the basis of patients’ genome, doctors will be able to obtain a detailed clinical report on genes affecting patients’ pathology, the gravity of the new mutations selected and the latest personalized treatments found mining information from the world’s biggest biomedical database PubMed.